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Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) Qualities, Cures, Analysis

By Dr Renita D’Souza
Curry leaves (Kadi Patta – Murraya koenigii) are well-known for including unique flavors to Indian delicacies. It has medicinal properties and used to deal with varied ailments since historic occasions. It’s utilized in fever, diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, anemia, pores and skin pigmentation and so forth. Curry leaves are greatest hair tonic, blood air purifier and perfect pure calcium complement.


As per Ayurveda, final part of the meals ought to include pungent, bitter and astringent components. It’s a problem to seek out bitter and astringent components that gel properly with different dishes. Curry leaf (Kadi Patta) is an ideal ingredient which fits properly with buttermilk, curd, rice and will be even made a part of Sabji or vegetable salad. It may be eaten uncooked or cooked.


Botanical Title – Murraya koenigii
Synonyms – Murraya paniculata (Linn.)
Household – Rutaceae


Vernacular Names

English Title – Curry leaf
Sanskrit Title – Surabhinimba 
Hindi Title – Mitha Neem, Kurry Patta, Kadi patta, Kathnim
Assam Title – Narasingha
Bengali Title – Barsanga, Kartaphulli
Gujrati Title – Gorenimb
Marathi Title – Kadhilimb
Kannada Title – Karibevu
Orissa Title – Bhursanga
Telugu Title – Karepaku
Malayalam Title – Kattu kari veppu, Maramulla, Paanama, Kariveppilei
Tamil Title – Karuveppilei, Karivempu, Kattuveppilei.
Dutch Title – Kerriebladeren
French Title – Feuilles de cury
German Title – Curryblatter
Indonesian Title – Daun kari
Italian Title – Fogli de Cari
Spanish Title – Hoja.

Botanical Description

Murraya koenigii is a small shrub rising upto 2-2.5 meter tall. Stem is darkish inexperienced and brown in shade. Leaves are pinnate, bearing 12 – 24 leaflets and have reticulate venation. Flowers are white, funnel-shaped organized in panicles and have candy fragrant odor. Fruits are spherical to rectangular in form, 1.4-1.6 cm in size, inexperienced in shade and switch black when absolutely ripe. Every fruit include one seed which is 11 mm lengthy, 8 mm in diameter and spinach inexperienced in shade.

Kadi patta Medicinal Qualities

Style (Rasa) – Astringent, Bitter and Candy style
Vipaka (Style after digestion) – Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (mild to digest), Snigdha (Unctous)
Virya (Efficiency) – Shita (Chilly)
Motion (Karma) -Ruchya (improves style), Deepana (Kindles digestive hearth), Pachana (Improves digestion), Vishagna (Antitoxic), Varnya (improves complexion)

Impact on Doshas

Kaphapittahara – Balances Kapha and Pitta dosha

Half Used

Leaves, Bark, Stem, Fruits and Roots

Curry leaves Cures

  • In diarrhea, inexperienced leaves of Murraya koenigii are eaten uncooked.
  • In morning illness curry leaves are used together with lime juice.
  • Murraya koenigii leaves paste used to deal with boils.
  • Root juice of Curry leaf is used to alleviate renal ache.
  • Roots and bark of curry leaf is used to deal with toxic animal chunk.
  • Curry leaves infusion is used to deal with vomiting.
  • Curry leaf paste with buttermilk is taken for empty abdomen is helpful in abdomen upsets.
  • Recent Curry leaf juice can be utilized to stop growth of cataract.

Sanskrit Verses

Pharmacological Actions

Murraya koenigii possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, antitumor, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and immune modulatory properties.

Dietary Values

Murraya koenigii leaves include proteins, minerals, carotene, carbohydrate, fibre, vitamin C, vitamin A, nicotinic acid, calcium and oxalic acid.


Murraya koenigii is discovered native  to India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Andaman Islands.

Chemical Constituents

Murraya koenigii accommodates carbazole alkaloids, important oil, terpenoids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, phenolics, nicotinic acid, carotene, furocoumarins and vitamin C.


Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Exercise A analysis examine performed to guage antioxidant and antimutagenic actions of Murraya koenigii leaves have proved that phenolic-rich benzene fraction has promising broad-spectrum antioxidant and antimutagenic property.
Antidiabetic Exercise – A examine performed on Anti-Diabetic potential of Murraya koenigii (L.) and its Antioxidant capability in Nicotinamide-Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats have proved that Murraya koenigii possesses important antidiabetic exercise and antioxidant exercise.


Kaidaryaadi kashaayam – Ayurvedic decoction used for the remedy of amoebic dysentery, indigestion and sprue syndrome.
Kalasakadi kashayam – It’s natural decoction utilized in constipation, fever and low digestion
Ulciherb capsule – Ayurvedic medication utilized in Hyperacidity.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom – Plantae
Subkingdom – Tracheobionta
Superdivision – Spermatophyta
Division – Magnoliophyta
Class – Magnoliopsida
Subclass – Rosidae
Household – Rutaceae
Genus – Murraya J. Koenig
Species – Murraya koenigii

Sanskrit Synonyms

Mahanimba, Raamano, Ramana

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