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Putika (Peridot): Varieties, Qualities, Shodhana, Marana

Putika is a yellowish inexperienced colored comfortable stone. Many students have thought-about it as Apakwa Panna. Its shining decreases upon rubbing towards silk fabric. Relative debsity is 3.2  – 6.4, Hardness – 6.5. It’s a compound of Magnesium, Iron and Arthosilicate.

Synonyms of Putika

Jabarjata, Ghritamani, Pootika, Harinmani, Haritopala.

Availability of Putik

Myanmar, Lanka, Brazil, America.

Varieties of Pootika

1. Yellow colored     2. Black colored.


Sheetala, Madhura, mild, improves intelligence, Hrudya, antitoxic, helpful in Ashmari, Raktapitta, Arsha and Pradara. It improves Ojas, aphrodisiac,

Shodhana of Pootika

Heating and dipping in milk for 21 occasions.

Learn extra about Shodhana process right here

Marana of Putika

Putika powder is given Bhavana with milk, desserts are ready, dried, subjected to 1 gajaputa warmth.

Putika Pishti

Positive powder is given Bhavana with Arka gulab or Chandana Arka or Milk until it turns into a homogeneous paste.


2 – 4 Ratti (250 mg to 500 mg) in divided doses per day.

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