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Rishabaka (Malaxis muscifera) Makes use of, Medicinal Qualities, Analysis

By Dr Renita D’Souza
Rishabhaka is one among the many Ashtavarga herbs. It’s a good antioxidant, rejuvenating, aphrodisiac and used within the remedy of physique debility, burning sensation, tuberculosis, bleeding problems and plenty of different vata and pitta dosha associated ailments.

Botanical Title – Malaxis muscifera
Synonyms – Microstylis muscifera, Dienia muscifera
Household – Orchidaceae
Widespread Title – Adder mouth orchid, Snake mouth orchid, The fly bearing Malaxis
Learn – Ashtavarga Group Of Herbs Advantages, Analysis

Medicinal Qualities

Style (Rasa) – Candy
Efficiency (Virya) – Shita – Chilly
Qualities (Guna)
Balya – promotes physique power
Brihmana – nourishes the physique tissue
Motion (Karma)
Shukraprada – will increase sperm rely

Impact on Doshas

Will increase Kapha dosha
Balances aggravated vata and pitta dosha

Therapeutic Makes use of

Burning sensation
Kshaya – emaciation
Raktapitta – bleeding problems
Basic debility

Half Used



3- 6 grams of bulb powder
Learn – Kakoli (Roscoea purpurea) Makes use of, Medicinal Qualities, Treatments, Analysis

Sanskrit Verses

Pharmacological Actions

Malaxis  muscifera possess Rejuvenative, Haemostatic, Antidiarrhoeal, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Antiaging, Spermatogenic, Antidysenteric actions

Botanical Description

Malaxis  muscifera is a terrestrial perennial herb. Stem is lengthy and erect. The bulbs are ovoid with fibrous root beneath. Leaves are elliptic-lanceolate or ovate, sessile and come up from the bottom of the stem. Flowers are pale yellowish inexperienced in color. Fruit is a capsule, ovoid in form and lightweight yellow in colour. (A)


Malaxis muscifera is present in Himalayan areas, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, China and Pakistan.


Malaxis muscifera is present in forests and grassy slopes. It’s normally grown in temperate weather conditions with low rainfall.


Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberose (Willd.) DC.) and Lal behmen (Centaurium roxburghii (D. Don) Druce are used as substitutes for Rishabaka. (B)

Chemical Constituents

Pseudobulb of Malaxis muscifera accommodates a bitter precept, alkaloid, flavonoid and glycoside


Threatened medicinal herbs – A overview article on “Astavarga crops – threatened medicinal herbs of the North-West Himalaya” have described that the demand of Ashtavarga dravyas is rising in numerous Ayurvedic formulations and species like Habenaria intermedia and Malaxis muscifera are thought of as endangered species. Ashtavarga herbs are so uncommon that, their substitutes are utilized in numerous Ayurveda formulations.

Classical Categorization

Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Harithakyadi Varga
Kaiyadeva Nighantu – Oshadivarga
Dhanvantari Nighantu – Guduchyadi varga
Raja Nighantu – Parpataadi varga
Madanapala Nighantu – Abhayadi varga
Charaka Samhita – Included Rishabhaka beneath Jeevaniyaani and Shukrajananani dashemaani.
Sushruta Samhita – Included Rishabhak herb beneath Kakolyaadi and Vidaarighandhaadi ghana.
Learn – Shukrajanana Gana: Herbs To Enhance Semen, Sperm: Overview, Formulations

Sanskrit Synonyms

Rushabhaka, Rshabho, Vrishabho, Dhiro, Vishani, Draksha
Durdharo, Matriko, Vrishah, Kakudindraksha
Banduro, Gopati, Kakudmaan, Pungava, Voda,
Shringi, Durya, Bhupati, Kami, Rikshapriya, Uksha, Languli, Gau, Bandura
Goraksha, Vanavasi, Vira, Indraksha


Dhaanwantharam mezhukupaakam – Used to deal with vata ailments, paralysis, tissue depletion, pediatric issues and so on.
Vidaryadi Kashayam – Used for respiratory issues
Bruhath Chandanaadi Thailam
Kamdev Ghrita – Used as aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, improves sperm rely, physique power and pores and skin complexion.
Dhanwantharam Kashayam – Utilized in put up natal care of mom
Artilon Mushy Gel – Utilized in osteoarthritis
Vidaryadi ghritham – Utilized in cough, TB, Bronchial asthma and so on
Brihat ashwagandha Ghrita – Utilized in oligospermia, infertility and so on
Mahanarayan oil – Utilized in arthritis, paralysis and different vata ailments
Amruth jeevan rasayan – Utilized in fatigue, low immunity and so on
Sarvamayanthaka ghritam – Utilized in gout, paralysis, neck stiffness and different such ailments
Vatasani tailam – Utilized in rheumatism, fracture and deafness
Guduchyadi taila – Used gout, itching within the scalp and headache
Baladhatryadi thailam – Greatest utilized in eye ailments
Dhanwantharam thailam – Extensively used to deal with spondylosis, arthritis and neuro muscular circumstances
Madhuyashtyadi taila – Greatest utilized in pitta associated ailments akin to fever and burning sensation

Scientific Classification

Kingdom – Plantae
Division – Tracheophyta
Class – Liliopsida
Order – Asparagales
Household – Orchidaceae
Genus -Malaxis
Species – muscifera

Click on right here to seek the advice of Dr Renita D’Souza

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